What will get you to finally start something

Our lives are like a movie. Some of us don’t realize it, but we all are living a story.

But like most great stories, the real adventure and excitement happen after the main character (in your life it’s you) sets out on the “Hero’s Journey” right after experiencing an inciting incident.

An Inciting Incident

The inciting incident of a story (book, movie, or play) is the event that sets the main character or characters on the journey that will occupy them throughout the narrative.

The incident typically occurs early in the story (book, movie, or play) and means something significant for the main character, most likely impacting their entire life.

Movie Examples of Inciting Incidents

In Star Wars: A New Hope, R2D2 playing a portion of Princess Leia’s message to Luke Skywalker.

In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry receives his invitation to the Hogwarts School.

In Saving Private Ryan, the death of three Ryan brothers is the inciting incident for General George Marshall to find the last, missing Ryan.

In Monster’s Inc., it’s when Boo comes through the door and enters to monster’s world.

In Raiders of the Lost Ark, the Army asks Dr. Jones (aka Indiana) to retrieve the staff from his former boss and, then, the Ark of the Covenant itself before the Nazis can get it.

Real Life Examples of Inciting Incidents

Daniela Nica was born and raised in Romania.

Romania has a terrible problem with poverty with 25% of their population lives on less than $5.50(US) per day.

One day Daniela took her small about of savings she had and bought an ice cream cone.

Then the unthinkable happened, she dropped her ice cream cone.

That moment changed her life because she realized she couldn’t afford to buy another ice cream cone.

That’s when she vowed that something like that would never happen again!

Eventually she built her business from scratch.

Today, she is the owner of a successful online business….a teacher and trainer with an audience of more than 100,000 subscribers

She has moved beyond the confines of Eastern Europe and today she’s a speaker with thousands of clients all around the world.

But she is a product of her upbringing as well. She endured (and overcame) her poverty-stricken childhood, years of brutal manual labor, and all of the limiting beliefs that hold so many of us back.

Now she’s teaching others how to build multiple streams of income and empowering THEM how to do exactly what she did.

And she has a free and EPIC event coming up called Monetize Your Genius (click the link for more details and to sign up- for free).

Your Inciting Incident

What will be your inciting incident?

What will it take for you to decide to take control of your time and finances?

For some, like me, it might be a job moving out of state or the loss of a job.

For some, it will be the need to care for an ill child, spouse, or parent.

It could be the realization that if millions of other people have been able to go full-time self-employed, you realize that you can do it as well.

No matter your inciting incident, you need to know your financial freedom number. The number that tells you what you exactly need to make in order to live the lifestyle you want.

On February 1, 2021, I will be opening registration for a month-long course (to meet in March), to walk you through the process of finding that number and figuring out how to make that amount.

If you are interested in pre-registering for the course, please fill out the form below.

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