Time To Claim Agency Over Your Life

In past years, July 4th usually meant people getting together to celebrate America and our independence from England.

As with the year so far, 2020 is unquestionably different.

In America, we head into this weekend coming off months of quarantine and weeks of riots, looting, and shootings.

Life Is Being Canceled

All across this great country, Americans are being told by various government officials that we can’t gather together. That we should stay home and away from crowds.

Public fireworks have been canceled.

Parades have been canceled.

Festivals have been canceled.

Foods like Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben’s, and Mrs. Butterworth’s are being canceled.

Movies and TV shows like “Gone With The Wind”, Paw Patrol, and Cops are being canceled.

Toys like Legos the “Lego City Police Station” and “Police Highway Arrest” sets are being canceled.

Will your company be canceled? Maybe.

Will your livelihood be canceled? Possible.

Is there anything you can do about the craziness? YES!

What You Can DO

You have agency over your life.

YOU are the “knight in shining armor” that arrives to save the day.

What are you saving? Yourself.

Gone are the days when you can work for decades with a company and retire with a pension for life.

You are the one that controls your destiny by the decisions and actions you take; or don’t.

If you want to control your income stream but having more than one, you need a side hustle and a path to full-time self-employment.

Part of that process is to get an email list of potential clients and to have a website where you can sell your product or service.

If you haven’t yet launched a website, I want you to know that it can be done faster than you think.

“Cancel-proof” your income by learning how to go from no website to a fully functional website in ONE day.

To find out more, click here.

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