How engaged in your work are you? Are you part of the 33% or the 67%? According to an article on HRDive, “employee engagement in the U.S. and Canada continues to slump, with 33% of employees saying they were engaged with their jobs.”1 If you aren’t fulling engaged in your work, I must ask, “Do...
Tag: budgeting
You’ll Always Be Poor If You Do This
One of the many useful pieces of information that we are not taught in school is the way to create wealth and life a meaningful life. In the past 100+ years of public education, we have been trained to be obedient cogs in the industrial machine. According to Seth Godin’s “Stop Stealing Dreams” (free PDF),...
How To Prepare For Transitioning Into Self-Employment
We all have to make an income. Not all of us can rely on the government taking money from the working and give it to the nonworking members of society. Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2:10b-12 that “If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among...