How You Can Take Control Over Your Life With Self-Employment

Your ideal life is up to you.

As Charles Swindoll said, “I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes.”

Therefore, the only person that is responsible for your future success and failure is you.

The buck stops here. I accept responsibility for my past. I am responsible for my success. I am where I am today—mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially—because of the decisions I have made. My decisions have always been governed by my thinking.
~ Andy Andrews

Andy continues by proclaiming, “Today I will begin the process of changing where I am… by changing the way I think.”

Make Active Decisions

I’ve made decisions that I want time, financial and moral freedom.

I want to be able to go where I want to go, with who I want to go with when I want to go, and for however long I want to go.

I want to be able to visit family and friends. Whenever.

I want to be able to help others by taking them to doctor’s appointments when they are unable to drive themselves.

I want to be there to be able to comfort a friend, while they’re burying a dead loved one.

We all have decided on a lifestyle that we want to live.

And if you want a lifestyle filled with time financial and moral freedom. Join me.

Consider The Costs Of Your Decisions

Time Freedom
Ask yourself, How much money would I give to have another day with your deceased parent? Or a deceased loved one?

When you choose a career that forces you to only have so much time off, you are giving up time freedom.

And that has a cost associated with that is often paid with years of guilt.

Some of us will take jobs with lesser hours so that we can have more time freedom.

Financial Freedom
That often hurts us because we are living in the mindset where we get paid for our time, not our value.

So you work fewer hours and make financially less money.

Moral Freedom
And with the rapid rise of “woke-ness”, we are working for companies and organizations that are taking stands that we may not favor.

We are compromising our moral freedom by continuing to work for companies that we don’t agree with that, they are pushing an agenda that we don’t like.

There is an alternative.

A New Way To View Life

There is an alternative to putting your kids in childcare, before and after school, so that you can keep up with the Joneses.

There are alternatives to working at a job that you hate.

Most people have heart attacks on Mondays. It’s the first day of the workweek and after living during the weekend, they are jolted out of bed by an alarm early Monday morning.

People start feeling sick Sunday evening, thinking about having to go back to a job they can’t stand. I know I once felt that way for years.

There are alternatives.

People need to look into these alternatives without dismissing them out of hand.

Time To Rethink Self-Employment

Self-employment is one of the many alternatives when it comes to creating a life that offers time, financial, and moral freedom.

But people think it is so scary. That it is so unforgiving, and irresponsible and cannot provide the lifestyle that you want.

I’m here to tell you, it’s not irresponsible if you go into it correctly.

And they can generate as much money as you want to put time into generating.

Time spent working on a course or products that can then be evergreen and sold for the rest of your life is worth it.

Having opportunities to help additional people is an amazing feeling.

There are ways that you can use self-employment to live out the dreams that you have to work from anywhere. To vacation wherever you want, whenever you want.

The more your lifestyle costs, obviously, the more you need to generate.

You can simplify and then there are advantages, tax advantages which mean you may not need as much money to live the same lifestyle because you get to deduct certain items.

I hope you will join me April 22, 2021 for Stu’s FREE training.
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