Do you really love yourself?

How would you answer that question?

Now honestly, how would you answer that question?

If you’re like me, you would answer yes to the first question without hesitation.

But if I were to honestly answer it, I would answer, not really.

Why the two answer? Because one is a gut reaction and one is based on looking at how I treat myself.

What Life Are You Living

Are you living the life you want or are you living out the expectations of others?

I love my daughters. I want what is best for them. The problem is, I don’t know what is best for them.

I use my background and point of view to determine what I think is best for them.

Based on that, I provide them guidance and help to be “their best.”

But if they do what I encourage but the activities do not align with their beliefs and giftings, are they living their life or the one I want them to live?

Many people I have met are in jobs that someone else picked for them.

For some, it was their 18-year-old self that picked a major and eventually got a job doing it.

For others, family pressure pushed them to follow in the family tradition to become a doctor, lawyer, tradesperson, accountant, teacher, etc.

The Cost Of Living An Unfulfilled Life

We only get one life on this earth.

We need to live it well and be our best.

Francis Chan once said, “Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.”

Another powerful quote is from Stephen R. Covey. He said, “If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.”

We need to succeed at the right things by heading to the right place.

Investing In Your Life

Many of us spend $10,000s to get a college degree.

I recently asked a networking group I am in who uses their degree in their current job. Of the 13 people there, only 2 use their degree in the daily work. The others admitted that they haven’t used their degree much at all.

At Jeff Goin’s Tribe Conference 2017, Dan Miller (of spoke about the importance of timeless success principles.

Here is a rule that will guarantee your success- and possibly make you rich: Invest 3% of your income back into yourself. ~ Brain Tracy

Dan suggested that the 3% was a start. Once you hit $50,000 in annual income, you increase it to 5%.

@ $25,000
3% =
@ $41,600
3% =
@ $50,000
5% =
@ $100,000
5% =
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Finding Freedom

I graduated with a degree in Human Resource Management. During the first 5 years after college, I spent 2 years at a bank and 3 years as a financial investment representative.

And I felt trapped and pigeonholed!

All my work experience was in the financial industry. But I had no desire to stay there.

I took classed on how to create PowerPoint presentations and eventually moved into a marketing job doing presentations for mutual fund sales.

Then I moved to a marketing job for the local newspaper. There I took a web design certification course.

That certification course taught me the technical skills needs to create web sites and eventually start my side hustle.

After leaving the newspaper I helped redesign my new employer’s website and managed their email marketing.

When they decided to move from Maryland to South Carolina, I created an Excel spreadsheet called “FREEDOM” to see what it would take to make it as a self-employed web designer.

I am pleased to say that I am now helping people like you find “Your FREEDOM Number“.

The next course is starting the first of March.

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