Do You Plan Or Fly By The Seat Of Your Pants?

Have you ever spent any time trying to plan out what your ideal day, week or month would look like?

How Do You Want To Wake Up Each Day?

In deciding how you want to live your life, we need to know how we want to wake up each morning. Or do we want to sleep in and get up in the afternoon or evening?

Whenever you want to wake, would you get up to an alarm? Would you let the sunrise wake you up?

Would you let your kids wake you up? Or your dog?

What Do You Do Each Day?

We all do something each and every day of our lives.

What is your morning look like? Do you have a routine? Is it planned or habit?

What kind of clothes do you have to wear?

What do you need to go do? Commute to work? Or walk to your home office?

What Kind Of Work Will You Do?

What is this job of yours? What brings in money for you?

Do you like the work you do? And the people you serve? Your co-workers? Your boss?

What Kind Of Place Do You Live In?

What kind of place are you living in?

Is it a temporary location? Are you saving to move to a “better” place? What is that place?

Is this a “forever” home, meaning a place you could spend 10 to 20 years in?

What does your place look like?

What kind of vehicle is parked outside your place?

What Do Your Finances & Time Look Like?

How much money are you making?

How much time freedom do you have?

What impact are you having locally, regionally or nationally?

Being Mindful

When we start looking at what we desire from a goals perspective, we can walk backwards from that and determine what do we need to do in order to get to the end results that we want.

The late Stephen Covey* taught us that the second habit of highly successful people is that they “begin with the end in mind.”

It is easier to know where we want to go.

And then plan accordingly.

Then it is to start and have no idea.

Only if you’re at the north or south pole.

Any step that you take whether it’s forward or backwards is still a step in a new direction.

Think about it here at the pole. You step forward any direction you’re moving north. If you take a step backwards, you’re still going north. It’s just that you’re doing so backwards.

Get some inertia going for you.

You’re not stuck. You’re just inert. You have not begun to move. An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted by an outside force. And this force can be your will, if you will yourself to start moving forward, you will start moving forward.

Benjamin Hardy’s book Willpower* is not enough to say that that is not a good long term strategy.

But you need to decide because even not making a decision is making a decision.

*This page contains affiliate links meaning I may earn a commission if you use those links. I only recommend brands we use and trust.

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