Destroying The Myth You Have To Work Jobs Outside The Home

Did you know that working that having both parents working outside the home might cost you more than you are making?

It’s true.

As the saying goes, “figures don’t like, but liars sure can figure.”

Sold A Bum Dream

Keeping up with the Joneses has caused many people to become modern-day slaves.

Knowing that slavery, in any form, is wrong, I also know that the person who lives a life according to the opinion of others is a slave. ~ Andy Andrews, The Traveler’s Gift, emphasis added

When we get a raise, we are prompted and prodded to “upgrade” our lifestyle.

A “real” doctor doesn’t drive a fully paid-for 2003 Toyota Camry. A “real” doctor drives a late model BMW or Lexus.

Rarely are we prompted or prodded to improve our income potential through investing in our minds or in financial investments.

Rarely do we pay down debt with our raises or bonuses.

We don’t ask if we can afford to buy things, we are taught to ask about being able to “make a monthly payment.”

But shopping based on monthly payments will keep more people slaves to the lender. Proverbs 22:7b tells us, “the borrower is the slave of the lender.”

Our Children Pay The Price

So in order to keep up with the lifestyles were are told we need to have, we have turned to outsourcing raising our children to others.

“The percentage of dual-income households with children under age 18 has been on the rise since the 1960s” and is now close to 70% of households.Source

An ounce of mother is worth a ton of priest.
~Spanish Proverb

“Una onza de madre vale una tonelada de sacerdote.”

It does NOT need to be the mother that stays home. Fathers can nurture their children as well.

The average amount Americans pay for daycare is between $9,100 and $9,600Source.

Most school districts have been forced by parents to offer full-day kindergarten.

Children at that age are unable to make it through an 8-hour day of school. For the first few weeks or months, they are given nap time in order to make it.

Full-day Kindergarten isn’t learning. This is government-paid childcare.

The history of kindergarten goes back to the “late 18th century to serve children whose parents both worked out of the home.”Source

Why do we focus so hard on providing materially for our children but not on their emotional and spiritual news?

The Main Stream Society focuses on the outward appearance. We need to focus on our children’s whole life.

Children NEED parents in their lives.

When a parent is around, it is less likely for children to get into trouble.

If we are too busy providing a lifes for our children, we will not provide them a life.

No one wants to be like the dad in Harry Chapin’s song “Cats In The Cradle.” If you aren’t familiar with the song, click play below.

Making Enough Money Working For Yourself

For many, the biggest fear about going full-time self-employed is making enough money to pay for all the things they need to live.

Normal household bills will continue to come in. Some will increase, like utilities (because you’re home more), and others will decline, like those associated with your car (auto insurance, fuel, wear and tear, maintenance) because you are not driving as much.

Yet the biggest concern I hear from clients and prospects is about health insurance.

“In 2020, the average national cost for health insurance is $456 for an individual and $1,152 for a family per month. However, costs vary among the wide selection of health plans.”Source

The average annual cost for a family’s healthcare is $13,824.

That is, $360 more a month than childcare.

However, the IRS limits how much childcare expense you can deduct. Currently it is $6,000.

When you are self-employed, you can deduct all of your health insurance premium. Additionally there are dozens more deductions you can take.

So after tax deductions, you are only paying $1000 to $2000 more to have your own health care and watch/raise your own children.

You also have the option of using your spouse’s insurance but you are limited to the plans their company offers.

Do NOT Accept Limits

Working for a set wage will limit you.

There’s nothing wrong with getting a steady paycheck unless it interferes with your ability to earn what you’re worth. There’s the rub. It usually does. T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, emphasis added

There are only so many hours you can work and/or charge for.

Get paid based on the value you bring to people.

This value can be something you create once and sell 100s or 1000s of times.

That is one reason why I am so excited about building membership sites for myself and my clients.

Memberships work in ALL kinds of niches too.

    Niches like:

  • E-Commerce
  • Retail
  • Coaching
  • Real Estate
  • Online homeschool curriculums
  • Guitar training
  • Painting
  • Meal prep
  • Photography
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • T-Shirts
  • Dog Training
  • Health and Wellness
  • And so many more

I know there is a niche you can serve and create the income you need so you can raise your children.

I hope you will join me April 22, 2021 for Stu’s FREE training. Click here to register.

Read about Ashley Raetz and Sarah Williams by clicking their name below. They created and are running successful membership sites.

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