Decision 7: The Persistent Decision

The importance of the Persistent Decision can not be underestimated.

Committing to the Persistent Decision means you accept responsibility. You constantly seek wisdom. You never stop being a person of action. You have a decided heart, without exception. You choose to be happy every single day. You greet each day with a forgiving spirit. Every single one of the other six Decisions hinges on your acceptance of the seventh: ‘I will persist without exception.’ It’s the one that brings them all together. ~Andy Andrews pg 148, The Seven Decisions

Making Your Own Miracles Happen

Andy Andrews tells us, “When you persiste without exception, miracles occur.”

How is this possible? The miracles that occur are based on the power of compounding.

If you strike a tree 1000 times in 1000 places, the tree will stand.

But, if you hit a tree 1000 times in the same place, the tree will collapse because that one point is weakened to the point of falling apart.

In Do the Work, a manifesto by bestselling author Steven Pressfield writes about the Resistance.

The Resistance is what Pressfield calls the universal force that he claims acts against human creativity.

We will break through once we “do the work” repeatedly. If we haphazardly live an inconsistent life, we will never break through.

“Reason can only go so far – Faith has no limits. I will expect miracles in my life because faith produces them every day.”

Exercise: Strategic Planning

On page 167, Andrews challenges us to move towards our goals.

He asks us, “What is a goal you really want to make happen. Choose something you wanted for a while.”

Once you identify that goal, complete the “7 Why’s Test.”

As the name suggests, you ask “Why” seven times.

    For example

  1. My goal is to write a book to help people become self-employed
    Why? I think corporate life is killing people.
  2. Why do I think that? People spend most of their waking hours at work.
  3. Why? They need to earn as much as they can.
  4. Why? They are trying to “Keep Us With The Joneses”
  5. Why? They want to appear as being “successful”
  6. Why? They are searching for something
  7. Why? They desire time, financial, and moral freedom

After walking through the above steps, brainstorm ways to move towards that goal.

Write down any action, large or small, that can help you get there.

Now pick one of those actions and act on it within the next day.

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