We all have to make an income. Not all of us can rely on the government taking money from the working and give it to the nonworking members of society. Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2:10b-12 that “If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among...
Why Your Thinking Is Limiting You
What we think and believe about ourselves is crucial to our success. As a believer in the Lord Jesus, we have His promise that He came to bring us life and abundant at that (John 10:10b). Align Ourselves With Scripture As believers, we are coheirs with Christ (Romans 8:17) and we are called children of...
Do You Plan Or Fly By The Seat Of Your Pants?
Have you ever spent any time trying to plan out what your ideal day, week or month would look like? How Do You Want To Wake Up Each Day? In deciding how you want to live your life, we need to know how we want to wake up each morning. Or do we want to...
8 Simple Ways To Improve Your Life
Leave to its own devices, things will bring down on their own. You leave a Ferrari Pininfarina Sergio (sold in 2015 for a cool $3 MILLION) out in the elements, it will eventually rust and crumble. Our lives, which are priceless, will degrade unless we actively act to improve them. We are told by Socrates...
My DAY Job Almost Killed Me
With each passing year, 2005 becomes more of a distant memory. That was the year I left a day job that almost killed me. Being in that job will be remembered as the cause of long-lasting physical pain and the development of an auto-immune disease. Pain And Suffering In Exchange For A Paycheck How did...