The words we speak and the words we use to promote our side hustle or what we do in our full-time self-employment can bring life or death to what we do. A friend of mine sent me the following story that powerfully illustrates the importance of the words we use. A blind boy sat on...
Author: EricSGale
How 61 Bloggers and Writers Overcome Obstacles In Life
We all face obstacles and rough times. This year proved that. What we do when we face them helps define who we are and what we believe. As a fan of the Rocky movie series, these words have helped me face and overcome obstacles in my life. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s...
9 Quick Actions To Supercharge Your Side Hustle
Before you leap into a side hustle, you need to answer questions that can determine whether you will succeed or fail. If your goal is to build a side hustle into a full-time self-employment opportunity, you will need to know what you are doing before you head out into this journey. Dr. Martin Luther King,...
Spoiler Alert: We Win In The End
Are you afraid of spoilers? When a movie you really want to see comes out, do you go online to find out all you can about the movie or do you avoid everything so as not to spoil the movie? Are you like that in life? If you are, I need to burst your bubble....
13 Books For Those Starting Out
You want to start a side hustle or become self-employed. Congratulations! Do not let the task overwhelm you. Take one step at a time and you will succeed. As Charlie “Tremendous” Jones is credited with saying, “Five years from today, you will be the same person that you are today, except for the books you...