A Simple Question That Can Change Your Life

Are you moving from something or to something?

That is a powerful question to ask.

Why Your Answer Is Critical To A Happy Life

When we make a choice for change, are we wanting to change to get away from something or are we looking to go towards something?

When we are running from something that is behind us, our past, we will never run far enough away from it.

There will always be a rope around our ankle that allows the past to stay with us.

If we have decided to leave something in the past and move TOWARDS something new, we have severed the tie with the past and can freely move forward.

A Real Life Example

In my life, I have had a number of corporate jobs. One, in particular, was literally killing me- in all honesty, the way I was dealing with the job was killing me.

I decided to become filled with stress and annoyance with the job and the people I worked with.

Things got so bad for me that the stress produced an auto-immune disease in my body; psoriatic arthritis.

The stress I allowed to flow into my life was crippling. For almost 9 months, I allowed myself to feel stress and anxiety. I would start developing headaches on Sundays just thinking about the next day being Monday.

I took the first job I could to leave that job. I jumped AWAY from something and not TOWARDS something.

The job I took was not what I truly wanted. It was an escape from where I was.

When financial uncertainty rocked the company, I began to look for something to go TOWARDS. I wanted to use the web design skills I had developed on the side in a full-time position.

The job I took with the supplement company was a better fit and was something I went TOWARDS.

Finally, I went all the way into what I had never thought I would like; self-employment.

I’ve been self-employed since 2012 and see myself as “un-employable.” I can not see myself working as an employee for anyone. I have tasted the freedom that self-employment has to offer.

A Book You Should Read, Even If You “AREN’T A Reader”

In “The Traveler’s Gift”, by Andy Andrews, there is a conversation between Anne Frank and the man character David Ponder. Anne tells him “Our very lives are fashioned by choice, Mr. Ponder. First we make choices. Then our choices make us.”

All along my journey to self-employment, I was making choices. I did not see that at the time. I thought I was just moving from one job I hated to one that I liked, but then the process repeated itself.

The problem was, I was running from something and not TOWARDS something.

My choices were unconscious.

Once I began to make a conscious effort to go TOWARDS something, I found I could push through the inevitable resistance.

Every day and in every situation, WE ARE MAKING CHOICES.

Do I decide to get angry with the driver that cut me off or isn’t driving fast enough?

Do I decide to take a moment and appreciate the beautiful weather?

Do I decide to put my hand on my heart and be thankful that it is still beating?

We need to “decide to decide.”

We have the ability if we just give ourselves permission to do so.

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