8 Simple Ways To Improve Your Life

Leave to its own devices, things will bring down on their own.

You leave a Ferrari Pininfarina Sergio (sold in 2015 for a cool $3 MILLION) out in the elements, it will eventually rust and crumble.

Our lives, which are priceless, will degrade unless we actively act to improve them.

We are told by Socrates that “the unexamined life is not worth living.” (ἀνεξέταστος βίος οὐ βιωτὸς ἀνθρώπῳ)

If we examine our lives, we will find that we need to know ourselves and continually improve ourselves, otherwise, we too will degrade and not have a life worth living.

Here are 8 Simple Ways To Improve Your Life

You don’t need to start all 8 at once. Pick one, do it for a month or two. Once it becomes a habit, add another to your life.

Read Books

One of the easiest ways to learn a hard lesson is to learn that lesson through someone’s experience. By reading books, we can gain the best advice from mentors throughout history on demand.

We can read autobiographies, biographies, historical fiction, or non-fiction how to.

If you want some recommended reading, please check out my book list here.

If you do not like to read, you can listen to audio books. Try Audible for free here*.

Listen To Podcasts

Fill in the gaps of your life with educational audio.

There is a study by the University of Southern California that showed that if you drive 12,000 miles a year you can acquire the equivalent of two years of college education in three years’ time by listening to educational information (i.e. Podcasts) in your car.

If you go to the gym, you can get that three year number down closer to two years.

Here are five highly recommended podcasts.

  1. Jeff Goins (Writing and the portfolio life)
  2. Ray Edwards (Content Copywriting)
  3. Cliff Ravenscraft (Mindset and Business)
  4. Marie Sonneman (Empowering women to be Confident, Bold and Authentic!)
  5. Dan Miller (Personal and Business success)

Take A Course

There are free online courses but purchasing a quality course brings it all together and saves you time So, sometimes it’s worth spending money.

If you are looking to become self-employed, there are classes on how to set up QuickBooks and other accounting software programs. You can also find classes on how to create a WordPress website and set up hosting.

Practice Old Passions

Take a break and go for a sabbatical.

One way is to revisit the things you enjoy but don’t normally do.

This could we wood carving, knitting, painting, writing, sailing, gourmet cooking, or literally a million other activities.

Get Feedback And Critique

Skip the compliment sandwiches, seek feedback from trusted people and get straight to the meat.

We see ourselves by our intentions.

People see us through our actions.

Getting real feedback is essential if we are to grow.

Work Towards A Goal.

As the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

So set a goal and commit to a daily practice that will help you get there.

If you do one small thing every day, it will you a little bit closer, every day. Before you know it, you will want to do more and more as you see progress.

Be Open to Change

There is a balance of being too closed minded and too open minded. As the saying goes, “Don’t be so openminded that your brains fall out.”

To improve yourself, you must change.

If you aren’t willing to change. It’s hard to move forward.

Get Around a Community

Your parents was right all along, you become like the people you spend the most time with.

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn is often credited with saying “You’re the average of the five people spend the most time with.”

Many of us have also heard the saying, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”

These are more often spot on than not.

Look at the support groups for people want to stop something (Alcoholics Anonymous) or give up something (Weight Watchers). These groups have better success rates than when people try to do it alone.

The same holds true for those that want to become self-employed, published writers, paid speakers, etc.

When you join a community, you are more likely to flourish.

I’d be honored if you’d join this community by signing up below.

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