38 Reasons NOW Is The Time To Think About Self-Employment

There is no time like the present to plan for your future.

The future will arrive much faster than you think. Before you realize it, another year has passed you by.

As the old proverb says: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Below are 38 reasons NOW is the time to think about self-employment.

The COVID-19 situation adds another one to the mix. Being self-employed can make you “essential” to you clients/customers, regardless of what the government may say.

    1. You Can find freedom
    2. You can make your own reasons and your own decisions
    3. you set your own schedule.
    4. Sick day? A-OK!
    5. Take a vacations whenever you want
    6. You decide what is wrong or right
    7. Working on whatever you’re interested in
    8. You can work more when you feel inspired and then take some time off when you need it
    1. You create the work environment
    2. No co-worker drama.
    3. You choose your own customers.
    4. New equipment when you want/need it.
    5. No uniforms.
    6. Your work area is truly yours.
    7. Flexibility
    8. You build your own community
    9. You’re more valued.
    10. You could generate money for causes you care about
    11. You enjoy variety.
    12. The possibility to take up new projects and develop your business in new directions
    1. You are your own boss.
    2. Ultimate independence
    3. No big boss (just tiny ones called “bills”)
    4. No one to answer to but yourself
    5. No fixed working time
    6. You can innovate
    1. you create your own future
    2. A sense of control over your future
    3. Unlike a job, self-employment isn’t either/or
    4. You don’t have to quit your day job
    5. Advance preparation for a job loss
    6. You can escape the “Rat Race”
    7. You can inspire others
    1. You set your pay
    2. You earn more money.
    3. You spend less.
    4. The possibility of making massive income increases
    5. You might lower your taxes
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