15 Smart Tips To Succeed

Being a part of a community is key to growing. It is very rare to find a self-made person.

As the old proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Recently, those who attend a networking group were challenged to share how we will improve next year. Regardless of the time of year, these action items below can help you start making your life and your business better.

  1. Find ways to connect with a specific group of people that can help you and your business succeed.
  2. Find ways to get more referrals.
  3. Increase the use of social media to promote their business and how they help people.
  4. Simplify your business. To do this, look at the entire process from getting a referral to what to do after the transaction. After reviewing the process, look at how to do each step and don’t get overwhelmed by focusing on the entire process. Then focus on doing one or two steps per day. You don’t need to do everything all at once.
  5. Go back to the basics. The basics are the basics because we need to do these first. All the exotic or fancy new tactics will not help you if you are unable, or unwilling, to master the basics.
  6. Focus on helping clients and prospects be mentioning promotions, products, and services without being “salesy”. Educate how you can help them be the hero in their story.
  7. Since it’s more expensive to gain a new client than to retain one, plan to go deeper with clients and expand what you are doing for your existing clients.
  8. Go offline to say thank you. The old fashion practice of writing hand-written thank you notes is one way you can stand out from the crowd.
  9. Create an e-newsletter to keep clients and prospects up-to-date on the changing environment in your industry.
  10. Many businesses are good at getting new clients, but what about afterward? Renew your efforts on “onboarding” clients. The initial product or service answered a problem for them. What else do you have to offer? The client might not know unless you tell them.
  11. When you have reached your limit, that is time to add to your team. Stay as lean as you can, but don’t be afraid to delegate or hire for things outside your area of expertise.
  12. To grow your business and sphere of influence, meet one on one with people. These could be potential clients or referral partners. You never know where your next lead may come from.
  13. Consistency is key. Whether it’s posting to your blog, sending out emails/e-newsletters, or just making contact with existing customers, be more mindful and connect with your base.
  14. We all have an area of expertise. Local, even regional, groups are always looking for speakers. So reach out to your Rotary Clubs, Churches, Networking Groups, MOPS (Mother of Pre-Schoolers), Specialty Associations(Realtors, Accountants, etc.) and offer to speak on your topic. This can easily make you the go-to expert.
  15. Take your talk and convert it into an e-book or physical book with Amazon and Create Space.

What Suggestions Do You Have?

Which of these resonated with you?

Which will you commit to implementing?

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