10 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Me

While you may have read my About page, it doesn’t provide as much detail about me and my background as these ten factoids do.

So without further ado, here are 10 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Me.

10. I have written 6 Bibles studies and a daily Devotional based on Star Wars

I have published all six on Amazon. I wrote the studies based on the Original Trilogy and the Prequels so that they could be used in small groups or on Sunday mornings. In all, there are 52 total studies.

I then wrote and published a daily devotional based on all 11 of the live-action movies.

9. I am sarcastic

Or maybe I could be called sardonic or satirical.

Growing up in my family, we picked on each other.

So if I pick on you, I consider you family.

8. I have a varied religious background

I started attending an American Baptist church in middle school. At the same time, I was going to a Roman Catholic church to become Confirmed in the RCC.

I then attended a Jesuit high school. I went to a Brethren in Christ-related college. And now attend a Southern Baptist church.

7. I have read The Hobbit and LOTR trilogy more than 10 times

One of my favorite traditions while working a corporate job would start reading The Hobbit right after Labor Day. I would then finish all three books in the LOTR trilogy by Christmas.

The LOTR movies were fantastic. I could not stand the Hobbit live-action movies. I almost walked out of the 1st one.

6. I love naps

While working at my last two corporate jobs, I would take a 20-40 minute nap over my lunch hour. Now that I’m self-employed, the naps are fewer but can run up to 2 hours on occasion.

5. My favorite place to vacation is Lake Winnipesaukee

You get 1000 points if you can pronounce Winnipesaukee.

Since I was first introduced to the Lake when I was engaged to my soon-to-be-wife.

I fell in love with the beauty and rejuvenation the Lake offers.

4. I am an introvert

While I can “do” crowds, they drain me, and I need my alone time.

I will rarely be in the center of attention in a large group. I’m usually in the corner talking with a few people about a serious topic and avoiding the “chit chat” or “hobnobbing” that usually happens in large groups.

3. I always wanted to be a Jedi Knight

Ever since I saw the original Star Wars, where Han shot first, I have wanted to be a Jedi. My friends and I would run around our neighborhood, and the Pine Woods swing sticks pretending to be Jedi or other warriors.

2. I gave myself 2nd-degree burns over most of my left forearm

Back in 2010, while competing in the Tai Chuan Do Karate tournament, I gave myself 2nd burns because I was mad that a previous break did not go as planned, so I did not let the fire die down enough before I tried my next break.

The stop-drop-roll they teach in schools DOES work.

1. I never wanted to be self-employed

Growing up I wanted to have a steady job like my Grandfather and his friend (Uncle Wink). They worked for the railroad for 40+ years and retired with a pension.

My dad, on the other hand, owned his own business. He dealt with employee issues, long hours and was not able to get away from work for long periods of time.

The irony is, I was almost the same age as he was (when he bought into his business) when I started my self-employment journey.

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